Freelancing Services

iOS & Android Development -- Manuscript Editing

App Development

Professional Quality, Affordable Prices

Bringing seven years of professional app building services from large industry companies, Star Strix is now offering smartphone app freelancing. Starting at $500 for personal use projects, or $80/hr for business.

*Personal Use: App does not make network calls to a backend server. App does not handle monetary transactions. Feel free to inquire about your project for specifics.


Star Strix is now offering editing services for novels. We offer professional Beta Reads and Developmental Editing.

Beta Read - Star Strix will give a written report about your manuscript, offering insight into your plot, characters, and themes, telling what works and what doesn't. The goal will always be to understand your story and your message, and to make it shine through the best you can.
$0.00625 per word ($500 for 80,000 words)

Developmental Edit - Get everything from the professional Beta Read, plus in-line comments about specific passages.
$0.025 per word ($2000 for 80,000 words)

Feel free to ask for a free sample edit, up to 4000 words


Contact us at [email protected]